Sustainable Agriculture
and rural development (crops, livestock and fisheries)
We Provide Support in
- Support for the development and implementation of agricultural programs (crops, livestock, fisheries, and beekeeping) for sustainable and resilient communities in urban and rural areas.
- Design, formulation and appraisal of agricultural programs.
- Development and analysis of agricultural sector strategies and policies.
- Enhancement of learning for agricultural sustainability at farm level (Farmer field schools, Participatory Technology Development).
- Promotion of low-input agriculture and alternative coping mechanisms.
- Action research for agricultural development.
- Support to m u l t i – s t a k e h o l d e r platforms, especially in agricultural innovations for both researcher and farmer led initiatives.
- Pastoralism – livelihoods and resilience.
- Social forestry and agro – forestry.
- Sustainable land management for resilient agricultural systems.
- Agricultural waste management.
- Baseline, feasibility and impact studies in the agricultural sector.
- Agricultural resource development, planning and conservation.
- Mainstreaming of gender in agricultural programs and organizations.
- Agricultural Value Chain analysis (crops and livestock).
- Farmer led innovations.
- Agricultural markets.
- Small holder agricultural financing, Innovative finance for agricultural enterprises.
- Innovations in climate change adaptation for sustainable and resilient agricultural production systems.
- Agro – dealer development and related services.
- Agricultural data collection and management.