Climate Change
Environment and natural Resource management
We Provide Support in
- Conducting studies to characterize vulnerability to climate change; Impacts of climate change on livelihoods of rural and urban populations, particularly those that are marginalized.
- Assessing the impacts of climate change on different sectors of the national economy e.g., Agriculture, Natural resources (land and water), Infrastructure, Arid and Semi-Arid Lands – ASALs) and Social Forestry.
- Developing and facilitating implementation of participatory community-based adaptation, low input agriculture and alternative coping mechanisms.
- Designing climate change mitigation programmes in key sectors like forestry, energy, agriculture, transport, and industry.
- Promoting synergy between adaptation and mitigation programmes in different sectors at regional, national, and sub-national levels.
- Building capacities of national and county governments on development of climate change related policies, laws, strategies, and governance structures.
- Promoting the mainstreaming of climate change in county and national planning processes.
- Encouraging private sector engagement in climate change adaptation and mitigation initiatives.
- Conducting climate change risk management particularly regarding food security (Climate resilient farming).
- Conducting studies on land tenure, environment resource management and conservation, and environmental policies.
- Conducting environment resource management, impact assessments, feasibility studies, audits for diverse multi-sectoral development interventions, monitoring and evaluation of adaptation and mitigation programmes as well as climate change policy interventions.
- Renewable energy systems.
- Management of Arid and Semi-arid Land natural resources, buffer zones and protected area management.
- Researching social dimensions of climate change.
- Development and implementation of sustainable solid waste management systems, with particular emphasis on exploration of business opportunities e.g., using plastics and glass recycling.