water sanitation and hygiene

We Provide  Support in

  • Providing technical support to       Government and Non -Governmental Organizations on WASH programmes particularly targeting marginalized urban and rural communities.

  • Promoting rights  –  based WASH approaches and providing wide ranging capacity building for WASH rights owners (beneficiaries) and duty bearers.

  • Designing WASH adaptation and mitigation interventions in response to climate change.

  • Providing capacity building for government  agencies responsible for the delivery of  WASH programmes at national and sub-national levels.

  • Providing support    for decentralization of  WASH service delivery in countries like Kenya.

  • Conducting monitoring and evaluations studies    for different WASH actors including Mid-term, End-term, Formative  and Summative evaluations.

  • Conducting technical studies on different aspects of  the  WASH sector  e.g. value for money studies, appraisals and assessments.